Last evening a small tornado blew into our little home, it came in the name of Madelyn, Lauren and Marshall. (My nieces & nephew) I picked them up in Wells, on the way home the questions began, Marshall: "If you're married to Uncle Scott how do you not have any kids?" (clearly child- the answer is IN the question), "Cause Uncle Scott likes lots of birds & dogs and they all keep us really busy & we are SO busy in the summer we wouldn't be able to see our kids..." Madelyn pipes in: "Mom says kids are EXPENSIVE" (ha- so is Frannie!) me: "yes, that is true"
We arrive home, the tornado enters the house, Frannie is overwhelmed, but hungry as is Sadie the same...I begin to prepare their dinner, (Sadie gets supplements, aspirin, meds) Madelyn: "Ugh what is that, why do you have to give Sadie that? Why do you give her oil?" (I pull out their
honest kitchen dehydrated food) Madelyn: "WHAT IS THAT?!" (oh my...I'm tired already-lol!)
Out we go to see the chickens (Frannie just following, staring & not grasping why she is not the center of the world at the moment?!) Lauren is clearly the farm girl, right into the coop, no fear, no fuss, has her little egg basket (from Doug's mom's house) and fetches her eggs like a pro, Marshall fearing the chickens will peck his ankles to death, (they are completely scared of us-lol!) He does brave the big girl coop & gets 1 egg-oh my! Madelyn is busy trying to name all the chickens!
They want to feed them so we go into the pigeon loft to get chicken food- Marshall, "it smells like cow dung in here" (he is correct on it being smelly, not sure its a 'cow dung' odor...!!)
The entire time Frannie is standing at barn door (instead of coming into yard & whining because we are inaccessible in chicken area and she is just being ignored!! (can we say spoiled?)
Haircuts occur, (main reason for a visit)...Marshall who JUST had his hair cut last week at barber, insists he too needs another cut. (monkey see, monkey do!) Lauren has large haircut onto shoulders- and Madelyn, "just a trim Aunt Emily!!!! oh & bangs"-(Are you sure Mommy is ok w/ this?-Oh my!!)
Frannie attempting to eat the hair off the floor- if I hadn't just pulled a blade of grass out of her rear end (oh the eruption of laughter from the kids!) I'd have let her eat the hair...but not about to deal w/ that tomorrow!
what a child does when you're busy & she has access to your phone. Educated me that despite the fact my phone was "locked" she can still access my camera (!) |
Eveyone into car, including Frannie (in way back: "hey what the heck am I doing way back HERE mama!") Off to a puppet show at the library stated, "for all ages" well perhaps, if we we didn't act & think as if we are 5 years older than our physical age...Pizza party at Toppings in Kennebunk (thank God for coloring pages!) & THEN unexpectedly my kid anxiety creeps up, Marshall: "Does Jesus and God create".... (OH MY GOD-WHERE IS THIS GOING!!)..."...words" (WHAT?!) Madelyn answers, "No, people create words." Lauren: "and they are all dead" (LMAO!)

A trip to Scoop Deck to see Uncle Scott, Frannie gets no ice cream but a trip to the end of Eldridge Rd to run around on "our beach" which the kids have never seen before, so I introduce them to it as it is a fabulous place to find little sea glass pieces... they are now getting loud and silly, I think tired is rolling in, I know it is for Frannie & I as it is now almost 8:30 (OUR BEDTIME!) We return the children and the nanny, Taylor, looks well rested after 3 hours of peace, Frannie & I head home. We arrive home where my kitchen and bathroom look in fact like a tornado has occurred, Frannie looks at me, and I swear pleads, "Mama, please no kids."