And then our cousins came for a sleepover and more sunbathing & morning napping transpired (after we ran around & slid every oriental rug from one side of a room to another.)
( Pile o' dog as Scott calls this...)
This exhausting behavior explains our early to bed tonight. ALSO Scott is preparing to wake at the crack o' dawn & greet his big Tom the turkey ( the one he "put to bed" tonight), yes turkey season starts tomorrow! (A bit like Christmas for him, but better!)
Frannie and I will be out late in the evening as we begin our very first night of "Backyard agility" classes! Our instructor's name is, Merri Button. (?!) if she is anything except adorable, I will BE disappointed!!
"Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one." -Dr. Suess
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Location:High St,Kennebunk,United States