Friday, May 24, 2013

Don't Shoot the Dog!

So Frannie has 2 major behavioral issues. Well, maybe they are "my" issues, not really hers as they don't bother her a however- MAKE.ME.CRAZY!!!
So 1 of the 2 is an insane, loud, incessant whining in the car. She has learned that most often if she's in the car, she's going somewhere fun...hunting, snowshoeing, to the beach...
She is extremely vocal in general (apparently common w/ vizslas) barking (thank Goodness but lots of dog talking!)
I have been learning a lot about "shaping", "labeling" and "rewarding" in our agility class. I also have been reading what Scott (& many) think is THE dog training guide book, Don't Shoot The Dog.

I have been rewarding the behavior I want repeated & labeling it, "quiet" & ignoring the bad's really cool to see it actually working!

My ears & peace of mind are appreciative as well! There is hope!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:High St,Kennebunk,United States

1 comment:

  1. What does it say about getting a dog not to bark? Any words of wisdom? Rigby has taken to barking just about any time she sees a new dog approaching. It's freakin' annoying. I read some things that said that you should always teach the opposite command -- so, teach her to "talk" (bark) and only then can you teach her to be quiet. This only resulted in confusion however.

    Of course, I'm probably just a moron.
    In any case -- glad you're getting results!
