Thursday, June 6, 2013

Enter Mack...

We've all done it, offered a favor and also accepted a request from a friend that you sincerely hope never comes to fruition.  Two weeks ago Scott agreed to helping a friend out by watching his pup for three weeks while he went to take care of an exploratory work opportunity across the country, if his friend decided to go...
It's not that we mind having another dog around for a short time, or that the dog is a bad dog, or that we mind helping a friend out...this dog in fact is familiar with Scott, Sadie and I, as he lived with all of us for a while as a puppy. We eventually realized Mack (Doodle as I called him) was not a dog that fit with our lifestyle.  He was hard-wired for bird hunting, had the speed of a true cheetah (puts Frannie to shame), ran big off leash and paced in the house from one window to the next searching for birds all day long!  He made all of us anxious and in need of high blood pressure meds (including the ever-passive Scott)!  For those of you who have met Frannie, Mack's energy is like Frannie squared.
Scott gave (sold, whatever boys do) Mack to a falconer friend, Jay, who in turn has given him an amazing, active sporting life that he deserved and in turn Jay adores Mack and has had tons of fun and success in the field with him. (a win-win)

SO...we really were the most appropriate people to take Mack for a three week stint.
Monday noon: enter Mack stage right... First night, little sleep happened in our room, like having a puppy all over again...Dear GOD! First morning, Mack springs the fence in the backyard, dumb chicken that should have gone into coop at night like all the rest gets attacked (one of Scott's favorites of course) lives, but barely, my fence is mangled (Scott repairs).   Mack & Frannie play like mad demons every chance they get (but inside 'cause Mack cannot go in our backyard due to chickens, oh that's lovely underfoot, NON stop!) I've had to vacuum everyday because he's long haired (never!), worse yet, my baby pup has been violated by this horned up male dog attempting to hump her (OY VEY!)  (but overall he actually isn't that bad...but sures up many things for me: 3 dogs are too many, long hair dogs-no way, hyper active dogs-all set (1 is enough!, etc..etc...)
Frannie is jealous every second I pay any attention to Mack...I have to take him out to the side yard on a leash in the a.m (due to chickens) and as we enter the house again Frannie nips freshly at Mack to say, "She's mine!" Then just looks and stares at me, "Mama, am I still your Maine dog?"

"We weren't doing anything...really!"

Mack has been spending days in his kennel at the Scoop Deck :(
with a few time a day to race around the back field like the Indy 500!
 but seems happy enough to nap with his kinda cousin, Remy, lying next to his kennel.
(Remy has become the "shop dog", he is my brother's pup and has been at the shop a lot while under construction) he is an absolute sweetheart and greets customers,  delivery guys, and employees with utmost adoration!  

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