Sunday, June 16, 2013

I Can't Hear You....

I had a good Father's Day post, but you'll have to wait as this appears to need to get off my chest tonight...
I often say and have heard many other non-parents repeat, people MUST not be able to hear their own children whining. I CAN HEAR THEM, believe the checkout, in the parking lot, in the bank waiting line...I. HEAR.YOUR.CHILD...YOU however appear to NOT hear YOUR child! I have ALWAYS assumed with both amazement and awe that evolution has evolved to protect every parent from going nuts by hearing only when your child yelps in a time of true emergency (then with supersonic hearing) otherwise, complete oblivion to the whine, cry and general racket.
Apparently being an adoptive mother, not having given birth to Frannie myself (that'd be awkward...along w/ her 9 litter mates-yikes!) I do not posses this ability.  The sound of her whining makes my chest tight and my anxiety reach unhealthy levels.  It is an incessent little whine, at this horribly obnoxious pitch-and worse case it is NEVER when something is actually wrong- its just her way of expressing herself (typically her dismay).
Most children if their parent was out of the house, or out of sight would rejoice, do everything they are not suppose to, take all the toys out, go wild...right?!  While attempting to garden (something I VERY MUCH enjoy) and after taking the little beast for a walk/run at the Blueberry Plains, AND a car ride to scenic Sanford...she stood at the door (ALONG W/ MACK) and whined almost the entire two hours I was outside.  For those of you who have not spoken w/ me today, I have laryngitis...yelling at your dog is impossible (and she chose to ignore my sign language & frustrated faces!) I attempted to ignore the whining and tried to enjoy my work...but it persisted, and persisted....I must be missing something fellow parents, how do you do it?!

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